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Urban lines


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291 Servei Urbà de Caldes de Montbui (Font dels Enamorats)

293 Servei Urbà de Caldes de Montbui (Can Valls)

295 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda - La Llagosta - Santa Perpètua de Mogoda

296 Servei Urbà de Palau-solità i Plegamans

298 Servei Urbà de Caldes de Montbui (Cementiri)

299 Servei Urbà de caldes de Montbui (Nocturn Festa Major)

347 Festa Major de l'Ametlla del Vallès

Line 347 only runs during the Ametlla del Vallès festival.

348 Servei Urbà de l'Ametlla del Vallès - Granollers

364.1 Can Ragasol - Font del Bou (servei municipal de Bigues i Riells)

364.2 Manantials - Can Barri - Diamants del Vallès - Can Fabrera (servei municipal de Bigues i Riells)

364.3 Can Regasol - Riells del Fai (servei municipal de Bigues i Riells)

377 Servei Urbà de Bigues - Granollers

382 Urbà de Bigues - Can Traver - Riells

383 Servei Urbà de Bigues - Granollers

389 Servei Urbà de Sant Fost de Campsentelles

Due to works in Mollet del Vallés, from January 29 and until further notice, the St. Ramon – Àngel Guimerà bus stop is canceled. An alternative stop is enabled at Av. de Badalona – Àngel Guimerà. Sorry for the inconvenience.
From July 26th to 29th at 5pm (approx.), for the Festa Major de Sant Fost de Campsentelles, the line will be affected. The stops Av. Prat de la Riba - Mn. Francesc and Ajuntament Sant Fost, will be annulled. Sorry for the inconvenience.

390 Servei Urbà de Parets del Vallès

On the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th of July due to the Festa Major, the Parets del Vallès urban service will run from 9.00pm according to the attached schedule.
From July 26th to 29th, for the Parets del Vallès Festival, there will be disruptions to the line. The stops Ponent - St. Esteve and c/de la Fàbrica - Parc, will be cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.

424 Serveis urbans L'Ametlla del Vallès - La Garriga

512 Granollers - Les Franqueses del Vallès - Cànoves

582 Servei Urbà de Vilamajor (Llinars del Vallès - Sant Antoni de Vilamajor)

583 Servei Urbà de Vilamajor (Llinars del Vallès - Sant Pere de Vilamajor)

588 Sant Celoni - Urbanització Boscos del Montnegre

591 BUC Servei Urbà de Cardedeu

596 Servei Urbà de Vilanova del Vallès i Vallromanes a Granollers

597 Servei Urbà de Santa Maria de Palautordera

598 Servei Urbà de Sant Celoni

646 El Masnou - Alella Urbanitzacions - El Masnou

690 Servei Urbà Alella - El Masnou

A21 La Serra - Palaudàries

A31 Centre - Can Montcau (24 Hores de Resistència en Ciclomotors de la Vall del Tenes)

A37 Centre - Xicota - Montcau - Granollers

A40 Tricentenari - Can Farell

A42 Centre - Farell - Artigues

A5 Lliçà d'Amunt - Can Xicota - Granollers

A7 Centre - Can Montcau - Granollers

FB L 6 Festius (Balconada i La Parada)

Due to works, from Tuesday 25th June and until further notice, there will be affections on lines L1, L4, L8 and FB of Manresa Bus. The FGC Viladordis and Sagrada Família stops will remain cancelled. Provisional stops are enabled at Av. Francesc Macià, 14 (corner with c/ Viladordis) and c/ Viladordis, 112 (corner with Ctra. Pont de Vilomara). Sorry for the inconvenience.

FP L 7 Festius (La Parada)

L 1 Balconada

Due to works, from Tuesday 25th June and until further notice, there will be affections on lines L1, L4, L8 and FB of Manresa Bus. The FGC Viladordis and Sagrada Família stops will remain cancelled. Provisional stops are enabled at Av. Francesc Macià, 14 (corner with c/ Viladordis) and c/ Viladordis, 112 (corner with Ctra. Pont de Vilomara). Sorry for the inconvenience.

L 4 Font - Valldaura

Due to works, from Tuesday 25th June and until further notice, there will be affections on lines L1, L4, L8 and FB of Manresa Bus. The FGC Viladordis and Sagrada Família stops will remain cancelled. Provisional stops are enabled at Av. Francesc Macià, 14 (corner with c/ Viladordis) and c/ Viladordis, 112 (corner with Ctra. Pont de Vilomara). Sorry for the inconvenience.

L 5 Sant Pau - Viladordis

L 8 Perimetral - Estacions

Due to works, from Tuesday 25th June and until further notice, there will be affections on lines L1, L4, L8 and FB of Manresa Bus. The FGC Viladordis and Sagrada Família stops will remain cancelled. Provisional stops are enabled at Av. Francesc Macià, 14 (corner with c/ Viladordis) and c/ Viladordis, 112 (corner with Ctra. Pont de Vilomara). Sorry for the inconvenience.

L-2 El Remei - Horta Vermella

L-3 El Nadal - Hospital General

L-7 Zona Esportiva - Tanatori

L.1 Servei Urbà Mollet del Vallès

L011 Estació d'autobusos - Fenals

L012 Estació d'autobusos - Lloret de Dalt

L013 Estació d'autobusos - El Molí - El Rieral

Due to works, from June 4 until their completion, there will be effects on the line. The CAP- Can Xardó and Mas Bell stops will be cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.

L02 Estació d'autobusos - Lloret Residencial

L03 Estació d'autobusos - Cala Canyelles

L04 Roca Grossa - Lloret de Dalt

L1 Can Gili - Canovelles - Hospital - La Torreta

Due to works in Granollers, from July 24th and until their completion, there will be effects on the line. The Bisbe Grivé stop will be cancelled. The alternative stop is ONCE. Sorry for the inconvenience
From 02/09/2024, line L1 (Can Gili - Canovelles - Hospital - La Torreta) will run according to the attached timetable.
For the Festa Major de Canovelles, on July 27th from 5.30pm (approx.), there will be disruptions to the line. The stops Sol, Diagonal, Indústria - Cultural Center and Pl. Europe will be cancelled. The enabled stops are Pg. de la Ribera - França and Pg. de la Ribera - St. Jordi. Sorry for the inconvenience.

L20 Can Bassa - Can Mònic - Bellavista

From 02/09/2024, line L20 (Can Bassa - Can Mònic – Bellavista) will run according to the attached timetable.

L21 Can Bassa - Hospital

Due to works in Granollers, from July 24th and until their completion, there will be effects on the line. The Bisbe Grivé stop will be cancelled. The alternative stop is ONCE. Sorry for the inconvenience
From 02/09/2024, line L21 (Can Bassa - Hospital) will run according to the attached timetable.

L22 Estació de França - Bellavista

Due to works in Granollers, from July 24th and until their completion, there will be effects on the line. The Bisbe Grivé stop will be cancelled. The alternative stop is ONCE. Sorry for the inconvenience

From 02/09/2024, line L22 (Estació de França - Bellavista) will run according to the attached timetable.

L3 Plaça Europa - Granollers Centre - La Torreta - Hospital

From 02/09/2024, line L3 (Plaça Europa - Granollers Centre - La Torreta – Hospital) will run according to the attached timetable.

For the Festa Major de Canovelles, on July 27th from 5.30pm (approx.), there will be disruptions to the line. The stops Sol, Diagonal, Indústria - Cultural Center and Pl. Europe will be cancelled. The enabled stops are Pg. de la Ribera - França and Pg. de la Ribera - St. Jordi. Sorry for the inconvenience.

L41 Plaça Constitució Granollers - Canovelles - Tibel - Can Gorgui

L42 Plaça Constitució Granollers - Canovelles - Can Gorgui - Belulla - Can Duran

Due to works in Canovelles, from July 8th and until their completion there will be effects on the line. The Can Duran - Berguedà, Can Duran - Vallès and Can Duran - Maresme stops will be cancelled. The alternative stop is Can Duran - Lluçanès. Sorry for the inconvenience.

L43 Plaça Constitució Granollers - Piscines Municipals - Polígon Industrial Can Castells

L51 Granollers Estacions - La Roca - la Roca Village

From August 2nd to 23th, due to works, the line will be affected. The Granollers Bus Stop will move to platform nº 6 of the same Station. You can find more information in the attached file. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Due to works in La Roca del Vallès, from July 22nd and until their completion, there will be effects on the line. The stop Pl. de l'Era and Hermenegild Carrera - Zona Esportva will be cancelled. The alternative stop is Rambla del Mestre Torrents - La Placeta. Sorry for the inconvenience.

L52 Granollers - Hospital - La Roca - Santa Agnès

From August 2nd to 23th, due to works, the line will be affected. The Granollers Bus Stop will move to platform nº 6 of the same Station. You can find more information in the attached file. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Due to works in La Roca del Vallès, from July 22nd and until their completion, there will be effects on the line. The stop Pl. de l'Era and Hermenegild Carrera - Zona Esportva will be cancelled. The alternative stop is Rambla del Mestre Torrents - La Placeta. Sorry for the inconvenience.

L6 Can Bassa - Granollers Centre - Hospital - Can Mònic - Corró d'Avall

Due to works in Granollers, from July 24th and until their completion, there will be effects on the line. The Bisbe Grivé stop will be cancelled. The alternative stop is ONCE. Sorry for the inconvenience
From 02/09/2024, line L6 (Can Bassa - Granollers Centre - Hospital - Can Mònic - Corró d'Avall) will run according to the attached timetable.

LV2 Ca l'Estapé - Centre